Chapter 2: The Circus

First off, apologies for the long silence! I've been in the middle of moving and starting law school and working on a story of my own and (did I mention) starting law school, so things have been a little hectic. For some reason making fun of bad books grounds me a little bit, so I'm going to try to be a little better about keeping this going. Last time, we met our viewpoint character--Kelsey Hayes, a seventeen-year-old girl who voices every inane thought that enters her brain. I mentioned before that I don't think the first-person viewpoint does this book any favors because I don't enjoy being in our protagonist's head. First person narration is really hard to pull off unless you have a very likable protagonist. Books like those in The Dresden Files are fun to read because Harry has an entertaining internal monologue (even though they do attract their fair share of criticism because of Harry's self-admitted chauvinism). Kelsey offers ver...