
While I concentrate mainly on sporking bad books, I still read a lot outside of terrible YA paranormal romance, which sure is a strange niche I've carved out for myself online.  Updates will likely be even more sporadic than whatever ongoing spork I have at the moment.  I'll also include books that I am thinking about writing a review of, just so you have an idea of what to look out for in the future.  "Coming soon" means that I am currently in the middle of writing up a review.  "In progress" means that I am in the middle of reading a book.

Just click on an image to get to the review!

Note: I do not have any completed reviews posted at this time.  I will soon, though!

The Good

Reviews of books that I like!  Yes, it does happen.

(Coming soon!)

The Bad

Reviews of books that aren't so great, but don't have that special something that would justify an entire spork.

    (in progress!)

The Truly Weird

Mystifying stories stories that defy all attempts to categorize.

 (coming soon!)


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