Chapter 15: The Red Dragon's Star

Hello, and welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! Well, it's the midpoint of the semester and I'm trying to get through the bulk of this book before finals roll around soon. Also, every single university in America is having a mass panic attack about COVID-19, so I'm writing these up to burn off some steam because I am incredibly frustrated about the whole thing . Anyway, last time Houck poorly explained mythology pertaining to Atlantis and dragons. This time, the Plot actually happens! And unlike the previous books, the Plot actually keeps happening, instead of stopping and starting at random. So there will at least be things happening for the foreseeable future. This time, dragons! Chapter Fifteen: The Red Dragon's Star Kelsey asks how it's possible the boat is moving, even though it's pretty obvious that it's magic, given that when she touched the kimono her hand started glowing and the embroidered pattern started moving around....