Chapter 16: The Blue Dragon's Pet

Hello, and welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy with this whole social distancing thing going on, and what better way to pass the time during quarantine than making fun of books I don't like? Well, studying for my classes that have all moved online, but still. Sorry for the massive delay, I've been 1) doing homework and 2) hanging out with my family because I decided it was a better idea to sit through this quarantine with other people instead of going slowly crazy from loneliness in my tiny studio apartment. Last time, I had some good things to say about the writing in this series, for once! There was some fun, creative stuff in the last chapter that was buried under laziness and every male characters' weird attraction to Kelsey. Also, Kelsey's powers work by spooning, which is still really dumb. This time, another dragon and a badly thought out fight scene. Chapter Sixteen: The Blue Dragon's Pe...