Moon People, Part III: Starting a Panic All Over the Place
Ah, Moon People , I've missed you. Tiger's Voyage makes me angry to read because the characters are just so awful, but Moon People has no characters and its incoherence is actually pretty endearing. Last time, our intrepid hero David Braymer, local high school teacher and former UFO expert, received a phone call from NASA about the mysterious meteor heading towards Earth. Also, he set up a date with Cheral, local restaurant owner and Sexy Lamp of the book, so that's nice. The New Job We start off with Bud Walker, head of operations at NASA, asking David if he still does astronomy. You know, I'm not sure why the head of operations is conducting a basic job inquiry rather than anyone involved with HR or recruiting. Yes I am, David answered. This is about the meteor isn't it? Yes, Bud replied, I here your the best at what you do. David smiled and said, well I don't know about being the best. But I do teach astronomy in high school and I have been into astrology f...