Chapter 25: The Seventh Pagoda

Hello, and welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! Last time, Kelsey & Co. left Yinbailong's underwater palace and got the key they need to complete their quest for Durga's Necklace! This series as a whole is a series of fetch quests for Durga's Magical MacGuffins, but this book in particular really feels like a draggy portion of a video game. Go to the first dungeon, get the thing that gets you to the next dungeon to get the next thing, over and over. I just realized that this is basically what every game in the Legend of Zelda series is, but I like playing Zelda games. I hate this book. Also, before I get started, let's have a bit of a recap of what Lokesh has been up to! Kindle says that the first page of this chapter is 87% of the way through the book, so we're getting close to the climax of the book. (Granted, a better book would ideally have the climax start a little bit earlier than the last 10 ish percent of the book, but we all know by this...