Tiger's Curse Spork: Introduction and Prologue
Introduction and First Impressions Self-published e-books can be a bit of a mixed bag. For every Andy Weir or Hugh Howey, there’s an E.L. James or, well, a Colleen Houck. Houck self-published Tiger’s Curse in 2010 as the beginning of a five-part series; i n 2011, she got picked up by Sterling Publishing and landed on the New York Times bestseller list. There are now four books in the series, with a fifth on the way (EDIT: the fifth and final book, Tiger's Dream , was published on March 20, 2018). It’s also terrible. Terrible . It’s hard to overstate how terrible this book is. It’s honestly really difficult to figure out how to start talking about this book. If you talk about the plot (or lack thereof), you downplay the problems with characterization. If you talk about characterization, you ignore the issues with dialogue. If you talk about dialogue, yo...