Chapter 24: Endings and Epilogue

It's the last chapter! I'm also adding the epilogue in because it's only two pages long. This'll probably be my last post in a while (outside of a couple of posts discussing the story as a whole rather than chapter-by-chapter) because it's finals time again! I'll be finished up with school in early May, so we can hope for some more regular updates around then. With book two! I remember that there's more Kishan in the second book, and he's moderately less annoying than Ren. Anyway! Last time, nothing much happened except for badly-written flirting (?) and us learning that the curse was kind of lifted. A quarter of it, at least. That was it. Chapter Twenty-Four: Endings We open with Kelsey thinking about the dinner she and Ren had the night before. She resolves to finally do something about the whole Ren situation. She repeats (again) her reasoning for not wanting to be in a romantic relationship with him: she's terrified that he's going to re...