Chapter 5: Return

Welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! Last time, a whole lot of nothing happened to fill time until Ren showed up. On Christmas. Despite Kelsey telling him not to. I mean, Kelsey has secretly wanted him to come after her since about 2 seconds after dumping his ass, but Ren has no way of knowing that.

Anyway, he just loves her so much he couldn't stand being away from her anymore, so here he is.

Chapter Five: Return

We start with Ren and Kelsey still hugging from the last chapter, which goes to show that the last chapter just wanted to end on a cliffhanger.  Cliffhangers usually require something exciting happening to be interesting, though.

Anyway.  Ren is back, and Kelsey is happy about it.

I felt myself blossom and grow with new vigor.  Ren was the sun, and the tenderness he showed me was life-giving water.  A dormant part of me grew into pulsing life, stretched deep rooty fingers, opened thick green leaves, and shot curling tendrils outward drawing us closer.

Holy shit, Kelsey is Poison Ivy!

It goes on like that for far too long, and then Sarah calls to Kelsey and asks who is at the door.  Kelsey is so shocked she's unable to talk, so Ren responds.  He calls them Mr. and Mrs. Nielson, which is maybe the first time we get to hear their last names.  Sarah and Mike head to the front door, and Ren introduces himself as Mr. Kadam's grandson.  And Ren is So Hot that any person with two X  chromosomes is immediately attracted to him.

When Ren turned his smile on [Sarah], she flushed, nervous as a schoolgirl.  It made me feel better to know that I wasn't the only female to lose all sense of reason around him.  He had a mesmerizing effect on women of all ages.

This is some serious Kilgrave shit.  Is this normal?  This doesn't seem normal.  Ren is so hot that just smiling at someone twice his age who is happily married with two children gets all giggly and nervous around him.

I hate it.

Mike, who possesses a mighty Y chromosome and is immune to Ren's hotness beam, jokingly points out that Ren has the same name as the tiger Kelsey had to take care of at the circus.  Kelsey quickly tries to allay suspicions (?) by saying that Ren is just his nickname, and Ren's real name is Al.  I have literally no idea why she does this, because it's not like Ren is trying to hide his name, and it's not like  just sharing a name with a tiger will lead people to think OMG HE'S A TIGER!

Although, I guess the same thing happened in Batman v. Superman with the whole "Martha" incident.   So.

(Yes, I know that's not what the intention was, but it still looked like it.)

Ren recovers quickly and says that "Al" is short for Alagan, but that they can just call him Ren.

Well.  What a pointless little interaction.

Sarah giggles for a bit and then joins Kelsey for a quick, private conversation.  Sarah says that she thought she was finally going to meet Li.  Kelsey says that she has no idea what Ren is doing here.  Ren overhears this conversation (because Super Tiger Hearing, and because Ren likes to eavesdrop on Kelsey's private conversations), and asks who Li is.  Kelsey says that he's a guy she's been seeing.

Sure is riveting stuff, right?  Sorry to summarize so much in this chapter, but there's really not a whole lot to talk about.

Ren brought the two kids (whose names I forget) first-edition Dr. Seuss books.  Which is a nice gesture, I guess.  Ren's rich, guys!  In case you forgot after he gave Kelsey a house, a car, a bank account filled with more money than she could ever use, and paid for her tuition.

Mike looks out of the window and comments on Ren's car, because that is Mike's sole characteristic.  He likes cars.  He's impressed by Ren's Hummer, which is a weird choice for Ren to drive, because given how he's been characterized so far you'd think he'd drive something sleek and much more expensive (because he likes to flaunt his wealth around).

Ren also drops the fact that he'll be taking a few classes at WOU this semester, and that he has a place to live nearby.

So, like, this is clearly not a spur of the moment decision.  We're supposed to see this like Ren just couldn't bear to be away from Kelsey any longer, because he just loves her So Much, but his actions are...very calculated.  It takes time and planning to find a place to live and sign up for classes at a college, even if you're super mega rich like Ren is, so this is something he's been planning for a while.  And it doesn't allow much wiggle room for if Kelsey doesn't actually want to see him.  Let's pretend that she really is done with him and doesn't want to see him again, like she said in the last book.  He's put himself into a position where she has no choice but to interact with him by going to her school and living nearby (spoilers--next door).  All without even trying to contact her in any way to see if she'd be comfortable with this.

Some gentleman.

Ren gives a gift to Mike and Sarah, and it's a kitchen mixer, because Sarah's only characteristic is Woman Cooks Bad Food.  He also gives Kelsey a gift from Mr. Kadam, which is a few books: the Mahabharata, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and The Tale of Genji.  Will any of these matter thematically?

The answer is no!  (Well, the Mahabharata kind of, but only with one thing.  We'll get there.)

Ren also gives her a gift from Kishan, in case you're really wondering what every single Christmas present in this entire house is.  It's a Tiffany's necklace, and there's a note from Kishan:

Hey, Kells,

Miss you.

Come home soon.

I figured you'd like something more girlish to wear with my amulet.

There's also an extra gift in the box, just in case you need it.


Said extra gift is a can of pepper spray with a picture of a tiger inside of a red circle with a slash over it and the words "Tiger Repellent."  I'll admit, I laughed.  (This is also an unfired Chekhov's gun, as this is the only time the pepper spray makes an appearance.  This is the theme of this book.)

Ren is less pleased to see the pepper spray.

Then Ren gives Kelsey his gift.  It's a carved box with lots of different hair ribbons in it.  See, this is a  better gift than the ankle bracelet that he gave her in the last book because it's at least something related to Kelsey's interests.  Kelsey is speechless still.

I looked up.  Mike saw nothing wrong at all.

Hurr durr because men are clueless amiright

Sarah is completely taken in by Ren's mind control pheromones:

With a small approving smile on her face [as opposed to not on her face?], she said, "Well, Ren.  It seems like you know Kelsey pretty well.  She does love hair ribbons."

I...we know already.  This is book two.  And even if it wasn't, it was pretty clear already that this was something that would be special for Kelsey.  Stop showing and then telling!!!

Sarah and Mike realize that they don't have anything else to add to the scene and then go out for a jog, leaving Kelsey and Ren alone in the house.

Ren reached over and touched my hand.  "You don't like it?"

I looked into his blue eyes and said huskily, "It's the best present I've ever been given."

I'm okay with this, actually, but only if you cut out the bit above where Sarah just says the exact same thing, but worse.

Ren offers to read a story to the kids out of their new books, and Kelsey notices that he's been learning how to read English.

When Sarah and Mike get back, it's late, so Ren and Kelsey leave.  Kelsey tries to ask Ren what is going on, but he says that this isn't the time or place to have this discussion.  If I were Kelsey, I would say that any time or place is right because, what the fuck, you can't just show up out of nowhere after having no contact for months on end, that's insane.

Kelsey drives back home, and sees that someone has moved into the duplex next door.  So she parks in the other house's garage and when no one answers the door she just barges in.  Now, it would be pretty funny if it wasn't Ren, because she would have just trespassed into a stranger's house.  But no, it's Ren.

There's a giant cat flap on the door, which is a really funny image.  Really inconspicuous, Ren.

Despite Kelsey leaving after Ren, it takes Ren until now to get home.  Kelsey leaves her door open for Ren.  He shows up, and I guess now is the right time and place for this conversation, because Ren actually offers an explanation.  Kind of.

He says that he couldn't stay away from her anymore, even though she asked him to stay away.  Kelsey asks if his feelings have changed (remember, the reason she left is so that Ren could meet other hotter girls and realize that Kelsey sucks), and he says that his feelings are stronger than they ever were (emphasis in original).

He says that he almost drove himself crazy after she left, and that the only thing that kept him from flying to Oregon was keeping busy through training (which is why he's even buffer than he was before).  He says that every time he heard her on the phone speaking to Mr. Kadam he'd wait for Kelsey to ask to speak to Ren, but she never did, so he stayed in India to respect her wishes.  But he still showed up in Oregon against Kelsey's wishes, so...that doesn't really check out.

"You listened in to our phone conversations?"

"Yes.  I have excellent hearing, remember?"

Yeah, that doesn't make it okay.

Kelsey asks why he's here now, and Ren says that it's Kishan's fault (ooh, blame-shifting now).  During one of their sparring matches, Ren wanted Kishan to hurt him, and doesn't try to defend himself.  Kishan eventually beats Ren up and says that if he's so miserable he should get up and do something about it, he's an embarrassment and a coward, etc., etc.  He doesn't care until Kishan says that their parents would be ashamed.  Then Ren thinks it's okay to ignore Kelsey's explicit wishes.

"The decision to come here."

"Yes.  I decided that I needed to be near you.  I decided that, even if all you wanted was friendship, I would be happier here than I was in India without you."

Which is why you've been kissing her since you got here?

He kneels down and continues to beg for her to take him back, but also says that he'll accept whatever she chooses as long as he doesn't have to be apart from her.  This seems like a good time to break out a good Mr. Darcy quote:

If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once.  My affection and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever.

Take a fucking hint, Ren.

Kelsey still loves him, though, because obviously.

How could I remain unyielding?  Ren's words penetrated the flimsy barriers around my heart.  I'd meant to set up a barbed wire fence, but the barbs had marshmallow tips.


Seriously, that's...I mean, it's vivid imagery.  It's just...what?

Ren touched his forehead to my hand, and my marshmallow heart melted.

"Marshmallow" is used in two separate, equally weird ways in the same paragraph.

Kelsey says that he can stay.

He sighed and hugged me close.

I grinned wryly.  "After all, I wouldn't want PETA to come after me for tiger abuse."

I--what?  I legitimately don't get the joke.  I think it's supposed to mean that if she told him to leave, he'd be so upset it would count as abuse?  And he's a tiger?  It's not a good joke.

Ren leaves and comes back with yet another present!  He gives her a locket with two pictures inside: Ren, and...Ren as a tiger.

BAHAHA he actually gave her pictures of himself as a gift.

It's explained that this way she can remember the tiger, too.  This is confusing, because this is one of the massive arguments they had in the last book, that Kelsey liked Ren the tiger more than Ren the human.  I guess Ren had some character growth off screen while we were watching Kelsey go on dates.  Would have been nice to see that instead...

Kelsey says that she didn't get Ren anything, and he says that today was the best present he'd ever received.  

I laughed and teased.  "Pretty poor wrapping job I did then." [I'm pretty sure there should be a comma after "teased"]

"Hmm, you're right.  I'd better wrap you up properly."

Then he wraps her up in her grandmother's quilt and sits her on his lap.  It's not supposed to seem like kidnapping, but it does.  Kelsey even calls him her "captor."

They're about to settle in and read through some Shakespeare (no lasting awkwardness after Kelsey broke up with him!  That would be hard to write.), when the doorbell rings.  Then Kelsey remembers that she had a date with Li planned!  Whomp whomp!

Kelsey says that there's stuff for dinner and that she'll be back soon.

"And don't . . . get . . . mad."

Because Ren answers any attention to Kelsey with violence, remember.  Such a gentleman.

Kelsey opens the door, and Li says hi.  Kelsey feels kind of bad that she has a gift for Li but not Ren, but, uh, it's not like she knew Ren was going to be here?  It's a weird moment.

Kelsey cuts the date short after dinner and says that she has to go home early and make some phone calls.

It wasn't exactly a lie.

Any time you have to say this sentence, it's definitely a lie.  Also, I thought Kelsey was supposed to be really forthright and blunt?  Based on her informed traits that we got in the last book? I've already mentioned in in this spork, but it's still annoying.

They play some games back at Grandma Zhi's place, but Kelsey sucks because she's thinking about Ren.  She and Li exchange gifts, and it turns out they got the exact same gift for each other, which is cute!  Also, much better than locket with your own face in it.

"I'm sorry, Li.  I should have put more thought into it."

He was still laughing.  "Don't worry about it.  It's a good sign.  Grandma Zhi would say it's good luck in Chinese culture.  It means we're compatible."

I'm not familiar with this, but it's entirely possible I just don't know about it.

(Quick story time that's tangentially related--this happened to my parents last Christmas and it was hilarious.  I spent some time in Rome with my parents as a graduation trip, and while we were there my parents became obsessed with moka pot coffee.  When I was visiting over Christmas, my dad told me he was getting my mom a moka pot.  When I couldn't figure out what to get my dad, I asked my mom for some suggestions, and she told me that she'd already ordered him a moka pot.  So I just didn't tell either of them about what they planned on getting each other, and my sister and I schemed to get them to open the two moka pots at the same time, since we always end up wrapping their gifts to each other.  They just about died laughing when they opened them on Christmas morning.)

Kelsey says that she can imagine a life with Li, and that Ren is too perfect to be normal.

A life with Ren was harder to picture. We didn't look as if we belonged together.  It was like matching up Ken with Strawberry Shortcake.  He needed Barbie.

I don't know how you played with dolls when you were little, Kelsey, but I 100% mixed and matched my dolls and didn't think twice about it.  If we're sticking with this weird simile of children's toys.

Kelsey finally realizes that she'd still choose Ren over Li (obviously, as he's the designated love interest).  When Li drives Kelsey home and sees some mistletoe over her doorway (which she'd put up in order to get Li to kiss her, before Ren showed up), Kelsey kisses him kind of dispassionately.  Li's still happy, though.

Li's kiss was a speck of dust in the universe, a drop of water next to a raging waterfall.

Which, rude.  She watches him drive off and goes back inside to Ren.  So, uh, I guess Kelsey just isn't going to tell Li that her ex showed up and is literally inside of her house right now.  Nice.

Closing Thoughts

Well, stuff happens in this chapter, at least.  Too bad this little thing called "character development" doesn't exist in this universe, because there is literally zero consequence to Kelsey dumping Ren in India and Ren showing up out of nowhere.  They literally go back to exactly how they were before, which is just not interesting.

Next time, Chapter 6: Choices!  Kelsey goes on more dates.  Yay.


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