Chapter 24: The Ocean of Milk
Hello, and welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! Many apologies for the, uh, extended delay in updates. I've been working in my summer job/studying for an important exam that's required for me to get a job/languishing in quarantine hell. So there's that! Last time, Kelsey turned down Ren (again) and told him she was dating Kishan (again). Ren immediately went back on his promise not to leave her by...immediately leaving the room. Hilarious. This time, we finally get that payoff from that inconsequential thing that happened in, like, chapter three of the book, such that when I was re-reading the book I literally forgot all about it by the time I got to this chapter. This was on a re-read , mind you, so I'd already read it once. I'll provide a quick little recap of that section once we get there in this chapter, given that I last talked about it, uh...*checks posting history* in January roughly 500 years ago. Remember January? Good times. Chapter Twenty-...