Chapter 2: Wushu

Welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! Last time, Kelsey got a house and a car and a full ride scholarship to her dream school and a full bank account so that she never has to worry about living expenses ever again. But we're supposed to feel bad for her because she broke up with Ren, and she's so sad :( That's pretty much all that happened. This chapter, Kelsey starts college. And meets some additional love interests. Yes, that was plural. Chapter Two: Wushu A couple of days later, the fall terms starts, which I guess gives us a better idea of the timeline of the first book. And also has the side effect of making Kelsey's secret college admissions just that much more sketch. She doesn't seem too worried about most of her classes, because she can just write about what she learned in India while curse-breaking over the summer. We don't get to hear about what she does in class, though! She just says that she studies hard and sees Sarah a...