Chapter 10: Hired Guns

Welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! Sorry for taking so long in between posts, I've had a lot of Big Life Events in the way for the last month (i.e., interviews for a job next summer--the good news is I think I succeeded in finding something that will fit me really well!). So, uh, to celebrate, I guess I'm getting back into this! Last time, Kelsey and Ren went on a date, which Kishan crashed. That's pretty much it. I know there was a lot of filler at the beginning of Tiger's Curse , but this book is just ridiculous. At about this point in the first book, Kelsey had already been introduced, spent some interminable chapters at the circus, travelled to India, found out that Ren was a dude, gotten Phet's weird blessing, and then chilled at Ren's mansion for an entire chapter. What's happened so far here? Kelsey started going to class at WOU, but we haven't heard much about what she's been learning. Uh, she dated three guys at ...