Chapter 15: Yin/Yang

Hello, and welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! Last time, literally nothing new happened. They drove for a couple of days, and had conversations that we've already had, so we didn't learn anything new about the characters. Also, Mr. Kadam is directly responsible for European colonialism in Asia. Yikes. This time, Kelsey and Kishan have another training scene (goody), and they get ready to meet the Ocean Teacher so that he can bless them before their trip to Mount Everest. Chapter Fifteen: Yin/Yang Ooh, so we're bringing Taoism into this story now, too. At least it makes sense regionally. Since the Dalai Lama isn't, you know, actually in Tibet, Mr. Kadam sets up a meeting with his staff located in Lhasa. The meeting is in a few days, which gives them some more time to sightsee. And by "sightsee," I mean "list off a bunch of places without going into any more detail as to what they're like in order to provide a sense of at...