Chapter 3: Phet
Hello, and welcome back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense! Last time, we had mostly filler. But it was at least filler taking place on the way to things happening in the near future, so I'm not incredibly annoyed by it. By the time this happened in Tiger's Quest , we were like...twelve chapters in. But anyway. Quick recap--Ren's mysterious amnesia is accompanied by a physical reaction to Kelsey that triggers a need to escape (at least when he's a human), and Kelsey & Co. are on their way to see Phet, the racist problematic wise mentor of the series. Also, fun fact! I had most of this spork written up before Blogger decided to delete the entire thing ! I'm talking, like, about 85% of the chapter. I'm very annoyed about that. Now I'm gonna have to try to recreate it. If I seem extra annoyed by this chapter, that's why. So that's the reason for the delay! Sorry. Chapter Three: Phet Oh, boy. I can't wait for P...